Dienstag, 20. November 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 54- Schneidwerk: Typ: ZM 54 Schneidraum (mm): 1100 x 750 mm Antrieb (kW): 30 - 54 kW Lochsieb Ø (mm): - Durchsatz/h: 1000 - 2000 kg materialabhängig Gewicht (kg): 6000 kg Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 54

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ ZM 54
  • Großvolumige Industrieabfälle - Blech- und Kunststoffgebinde bis 200 L
  • Kartonagen, Papier, Paletten etc.
  • PKW Reifen, Produktionsabfälle
  • etc.
ZM 54
Schneidraum (mm):
1100 x 750 mm
Antrieb (kW):
30 - 54 kW
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
1000 - 2000 kg materialabhängig
Gewicht (kg):
6000 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 52

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 52

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ ZM 52
  • Großvolumige Industrieabfälle - Blech- und
  • Kunststoffgebinde, Kartonagen, Folien, Palettenreste
  • Krankenhausmüll - Spritzen, Kanülen, Binden
  • Produktionsabfälle, Krankenhausmüll
  • Aktenordner, EDV-Listen, Disketten, CD’s
  • Lebensmittel, Speisereste
  • Rohstoff- Recycling - Glas, Kunststoffe, Papier
  • etc.
ZM 52
Schneidraum (mm):
650 x 540, 1050 x 540
Antrieb (kW):
15/18, 5/22
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
500 - 1000 kg materialabhängig
Gewicht (kg):
3000 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 44 - Schneidwerk: Typ: ZM 44 Schneidraum (mm): 500 x 380, 600 x 380 Antrieb (kW): 5,5/7,5 Lochsieb Ø (mm): - Durchsatz/h: 50 - 250 kg materialabhängig Gewicht (kg): 750 kg Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 44

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ ZM 44
  • Produktionsabfälle - Drehspäne, Leersäcke
  • Krankenhausmüll - Spritzen, Kanülen, Binden
  • Speisereste, Knochen, Muscheln
  • Kosmetik-/ Arzneimittelretouren, Laborabfälle
  • Büroabfälle - loses Papier, Disketten, CD’s
  • Rohstoff- Recycling - Glas- und PET-Flaschen
  • Hotel- und Gaststättenabfälle - Kartonagen, Gebinde.
  • Knollen- und Klumpenbrecher, Aschezerkleinerung
  • etc.
ZM 44
Schneidraum (mm):
500 x 380, 600 x 380
Antrieb (kW):
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
50 - 250 kg materialabhängig
Gewicht (kg):
750 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Montag, 8. Oktober 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 3- Typ: ZM 3 Schneidraum (mm): 500 x 500 mm Schneidraum (mm): 500 x 800 mm Antrieb (kW): 7,5/11/15 Lochsieb Ø (mm): - Durchsatz/h: 250 – 400 kg Gewicht (kg): 1500 kg Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 3

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ ZM 3
  • Großvolumige Industrieabfälle – Blech- und
  • Kunststoffgebinde, Kartonagen, Folien, Palettenreste
  • Produktionsabfälle
  • Aktenordner, EDV-Listen, Disketten, CD’s
  • Krankenhausmüll
  • Lebensmittel, Speisereste
  • Rohstoff-Recycling – Glas, Kunststoffe, Papier
  • etc.
ZM 3
Schneidraum (mm):
500 x 500 mm
Schneidraum (mm):
500 x 800 mm
Antrieb (kW):
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
250 – 400 kg
Gewicht (kg):
1500 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 2 - Großvolumige Industrieabfälle - Blech- und Kunststoffgebinde, Kartonagen, Folien, Palettenreste Krankenhausmüll - Spritzen, Kanülen, Binden Produktionsabfälle, Krankenhausmüll Aktenordner, EDV-Listen, Disketten, CD’s Lebensmittel, Speisereste Rohstoff- Recycling - Glas, Kunststoffe, Papier etc.

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 2

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ ZM 2
  • Großvolumige Industrieabfälle - Blech- und
  • Kunststoffgebinde, Kartonagen, Folien, Palettenreste
  • Krankenhausmüll - Spritzen, Kanülen, Binden
  • Produktionsabfälle, Krankenhausmüll
  • Aktenordner, EDV-Listen, Disketten, CD’s
  • Lebensmittel, Speisereste
  • Rohstoff- Recycling - Glas, Kunststoffe, Papier
  • etc.
ZM 2
Schneidraum (mm):
650 x 440, 800 x 440
Antrieb (kW):
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
250 - 400 kg materialabhängig
Gewicht (kg):
1500 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 1 - Produktionsabfälle - Drehspäne, Leersäcke Krankenhausmüll - Spritzen, Kanülen, Binden Speisereste, Knochen, Muscheln Kosmetik-/ Arzneimittelretouren, Laborabfälle Büroabfälle - loses Papier, Disketten, CD’s Rohstoff- Recycling - Glas- und PET-Flaschen Hotel- und Gaststättenabfälle - Kartonagen, Gebinde. Knollen- und Klumpenbrecher, Aschezerkleinerung

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 1

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ ZM 1
  • Produktionsabfälle - Drehspäne, Leersäcke
  • Krankenhausmüll - Spritzen, Kanülen, Binden
  • Speisereste, Knochen, Muscheln
  • Kosmetik-/ Arzneimittelretouren, Laborabfälle
  • Büroabfälle - loses Papier, Disketten, CD’s
  • Rohstoff- Recycling - Glas- und PET-Flaschen
  • Hotel- und Gaststättenabfälle - Kartonagen, Gebinde.
  • Knollen- und Klumpenbrecher, Aschezerkleinerung
ZM 1
Schneidraum (mm):
360 x 380
Antrieb (kW):
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
50 - 150 kg materialabhängig
Gewicht (kg):
650 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Montag, 1. Oktober 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine MZ - Plastik- und Kunststoffmaterial Leichte Materialien Produktionsabfälle, Krankenhausabfälle, Laborabfälle

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine MZ

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ MZ
  • Plastik- und Kunststoffmaterial
  • Leichte Materialien
  • Produktionsabfälle, Krankenhausabfälle, Laborabfälle
  • etc.
Schneidraum (mm):
110 x 230, 300 x 230, 500 x 230
Antrieb (kW):
1,5 - 5,5 kw
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
40 - 80 kg materialabhängig
Gewicht (kg):
120 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Donnerstag, 27. September 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine FZ 5 - Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine FZ 5

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ FZ 5

  • Glasflaschen
FZ 5
Schneidraum (mm):
185 x 185
Antrieb (kW):
0,75 - 1,5kW
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
ca. 450 Stck
Gewicht (kg):
ca. 150 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Dienstag, 25. September 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 380

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 380

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ ZM 380
  • Schüttgüter wie Knollen, Klumpen, Asche
  • Produktionsabfälle
  • Glasabfälle
  • Plastikabfälle wie Gebinde, Gehäuse, Verkleidungen
  • etc.
E-ZM 380
Schneidraum (mm):
390 x 600 mm
Antrieb (kW):
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
Gewicht (kg):
1200 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Donnerstag, 20. September 2018

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 1/44 - Plastikabfälle Papier, Kartonagen Produktionsabfälle wie Drehspäne, Filtervlies,Teppichabfälle

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschine ZM 1/44

Mercodor Zerkleinerungsmaschinen sind die ideale Lösung für Gewerbebetriebe und Industriebetriebe zur effektiven wirtschaftlichen Reduzierung des Abfallvolumens. Durch die individuelle Abstimmung der Schneidmesser sowie spezieller Einsätze ist eine Auslegung bezüglich des zu zerkleinernden Materials und der Größe des Ausfall-Materials stets gegeben.

Technische Informationen zum Mercodor Zerkleinerer Typ ZM 1/44
  • Plastikabfälle
  • Papier, Kartonagen
  • Produktionsabfälle wie Drehspäne, Filtervlies,Teppichabfälle
  • etc.
ZM 1/44
Schneidraum (mm):
360 x 380, 500 x 380
Antrieb (kW):
Lochsieb Ø (mm):
10 - 40
Gewicht (kg):
450/550 kg
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! Sonderanfertigungen auf Anfrage.

Dienstag, 18. September 2018

Shredding of cardboard with Mercodor shredding equipment- Mercodor shredding machines for shredding paper and cardboard are used in many ways. Firstly you contribute to reducing the volume of waste, but you also make a major contribution by economically shredding cardboard and paper.

Shredding of cardboard with Mercodor shredding equipment

Regardless of whether you want to shred cardboard, paper rolls, paper bales or waste paper, Mercodor shredders are always the right choice. Mercodor, with its rugged, compact precision cutters has the right solution for each and every task.
Mercodor shredding machines for shredding paper and cardboard are used in many ways. Firstly you contribute to reducing the volume of waste, but you also make a major contribution by economically shredding cardboard and paper.

Since the use of energy and water costs in the production of recycled paper is usually lower than in the production of paper from virgin fibres such as wood or cellulose, recycling paper makes an important contribution not only to environmental protection. 

Another field of application is the reliable destruction of confidential data such as files. With such sensitive data, it is especially important to destroy them during disposal so that using the information is no longer possible. With our shredding plants, sensitive data of this kind is irretrievably eliminated.

Montag, 17. September 2018

Food waste and handling of garbage and food waste - With Mercodor waste food shredders valuable space is saved and food protected from contamination.

Food waste and handling of garbage and food waste

Organic waste can become a problem anywhere where the disposal of waste occurs over a longer period. This challenge arises for example in the shipping industry. With Mercodor waste food shredders valuable space is saved and food protected from contamination.

The processed food leftovers serve as the raw material for biodiesel production or are used for the production of green energy in the form of electricity and heat from biogas plants.

Freitag, 14. September 2018

Shredding of electronic waste with Mercodor equipment - Not only from an environmental perspective but also from an economic one, recycling electronic waste is certainly attractive. For example, the rising prices for metals make recycling electrical and electronic waste a commercial proposition. In addition to the secondary raw materials such as various metals, in particular plastics are attractive as they are employed to supplement the other fuels required in incinerators.

Shredding of electronic waste with Mercodor equipment

For optimal processing of electronic waste, it is especially important to yield secondary raw materials that are as pure as possible. For this purpose Mercodor, with its rugged, compact precision cutters, has exactly the right solution.
Why recycle electronic waste?
Not only from an environmental perspective but also from an economic one, recycling electronic waste is certainly attractive. For example, the rising prices for metals make recycling electrical and electronic waste a commercial proposition. In addition to the secondary raw materials such as various metals, in particular plastics are attractive as they are employed to supplement the other fuels required in incinerators.
Another field of application consists in reliably destroying data such as that on hard disks. In a time when the theft of electronic data is becoming more common, and the deletion of sensitive data on hard drives is becoming more difficult, it is important to dispose of old hard drives so that any use of existing data is made impossible. With our shredding systems, sensitive data of this kind is irretrievably destroyed.

Mittwoch, 12. September 2018

Shredding of TetraPak with liquids with Mercodor shredding systems - Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of TetraPak with liquids.

Shredding of TetraPak with liquids with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor shredding machine for crushing TetraPak with liquids are used for reducing the volume of waste. The crushing of TetraPak continues to make a significant contribution to the economic recovery of raw materials 

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of TetraPak with liquids.

If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Dienstag, 11. September 2018

Crushing of salts with Mercodor crushing systems-The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of salts of any kind such as, for example, crushing of rock salts, but also for crushing of salt dispensers and hardness salts.

Crushing of salts with Mercodor crushing systems

The crushing of salts such as, for example, hardness salts, salt dispensers, but also rock salt, is a great challenge for the crushing machine from various points of view. On the one hand, the salts are very hard, but already in the presence of a very small amount of a liquid they dissolve and mix with the liquid. 

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of salts of any kind such as, for example, crushing of rock salts, but also for crushing of salt dispensers and hardness salts.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of salt. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Printed circuit boards shredding with Mercodor shredding systems - Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of printed circuit boards.

Printed circuit boards shredding with Mercodor shredding systems 

The crushing of printed circuit boards is used for the recovery of important raw materials. Since electric devices getting cheaper consumers in ever shorter intervals to acquire new electronic parts, the recycling of electrical parts and thus crushing printed circuit boards of inestimable value for resource exploitation. 

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of printed circuit boards. 

If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Donnerstag, 6. September 2018

Production waste and hazardous waste shredding with Mercodor shredding systems - Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of production waste and for the crushing of hazardous waste.

Production waste and hazardous waste shredding with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor crushing machines are used for crushing production waste and also for the volume reduction of hazardous waste. In order to a better storage of production and hazardous waste the volume must be reduce.

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of production waste and for the crushing of hazardous waste. br /> 
If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Mittwoch, 5. September 2018

Shredding of metals with Mercodor shredding systems- The shredding of metals is a very difficult process because, due to their very different characteristics, the metals, such as wire, steel pack binding, stamping waste, titanium sheets, zinc sprues, zinc casting waste, zinc oxide or magnetic bands, have very different requirements to the shredding machines.

Shredding of metals with Mercodor shredding systems

The shredding of metals is a very difficult process because, due to their very different characteristics, the metals, such as wire, steel pack binding, stamping waste, titanium sheets, zinc sprues, zinc casting waste, zinc oxide or magnetic bands, have very different requirements to the shredding machines. 

The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for the shredding of metals and metal composites of any kind and composition.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of metals. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Montag, 3. September 2018

Shredding of textiles with Mercodor shredding systems

Shredding of textiles with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor shredding machine for crushing textiles are equipped with special patterns and shredding easily even military clothing. Our Textile shredders are characterized by a high availability and safty process.

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding textiles 

If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Donnerstag, 30. August 2018

Shredding Industrial waste with Mercodor shredding systems - Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of industrial waste.

Shredding Industrial waste with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor shredders for shredding of industrial waste are being widely used. So the crushing of industrial waste will reduce the waste volume and thus will be reduce costs, at the same time the shredding of industrial waste will protect the environment. 

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of industrial waste.

If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Montag, 27. August 2018

Organic waste shredding with Mercodor shredding systems

Organic waste shredding with Mercodor shredding systems 

The organic waste shredding of food waste and other organic wastes are used to prepare an environmentally friendly energy, for example in biogas plants. In addition to the production of electricity or heat through biowaste serve shredded organic waste / food and the production of biodiesel. 

The organic waste shredding is used wherever a longer storage of bio-waste is really necessary, such as on cruise ships.

If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Dienstag, 31. Juli 2018

Shredding Commercial waste with Mercodor shredding systems - Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of Commercial waste.

Shredding Commercial waste with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor shredders for shredding of Commercial waste are being widely used. So the crushing of Commercial waste will reduce the waste volume and thus will be reduce costs, at the same time the shredding of Commercial waste will protect the environment. 

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of Commercial waste.

If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Montag, 30. Juli 2018

Shredding of Tires and bumpers with Mercodor shredding systems - Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of auto parts such as tires and bumpers

Shredding of Tires and bumpers with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor shredding machines are versatile for shredding of auto parts such as tires but also for crushing bumpers. By crushing up raw materials these can better separate for recycling. The crushing of auto parts such as tires and bumpers not only has the advantage for volume reduction it also serves the economic advantage. 

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of auto parts such as tires and bumpers 

If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Montag, 23. Juli 2018

Shredding of glass with liquids with Mercodor shredding systems - Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of glass with liquids.

Shredding of glass with liquids with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor shredding machine for crushing glass with liquids are used for reducing the volume of waste. The crushing of glass continues to make a significant contribution to the economic recovery of raw materials 

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of glass with liquids.

If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2018

Shredding of Document with Mercodor shredding systems - With Mercodor shredder for Document shredding you always get a professional solution.

Shredding of Document with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for Document shredding, data destruction and shredding of sensitive data. 

To destroy sensitive data, it is particularly important to have a shredding systems that is been developed for this area. No matter which information carrier contains your data. With Mercodor shredder for Document shredding you always get a professional solution. 

Please contact us for both shredding systems for Document shredding systems for destruction of CDs, hard drives and other sensitive data. With Mercodor you get a competent and experienced partner to destroy your data reliably.

Montag, 16. Juli 2018

Swarf recycling with Mercodor equipment - Decentralized swarf handling is the cleanest and optimal technological concept for processing turnings. A shredder is installed at each processing machine. From there, the metal shavings are conveyed to the central processing point.

Swarf recycling with Mercodor equipment

For the optimal processing and reduction of steel and stainless steel chips, cast, aluminium, copper, brass, titanium and precious metal turnings, for instance, Mercodor, with its rugged, compact precision cutters has the right solution for each and every task.
Single machine
Can be directly incorporated by the customer into an existing plant.
Decentralized treatment
Decentralized swarf handling is the cleanest and optimal technological concept for processing turnings. A shredder is installed at each processing machine. From there, the metal shavings are conveyed to the central processing point.
Central processing
In the case of several machines some distance apart and depending on the local conditions, nevertheless, in some cases a central swarf processing plant may be the most economical design. In this case, the metal turnings are collected at the machines and transported with chip trolleys to the processing machine. This central solution requires no changes to the existing production process.

All Mercodor swarf processing systems have one thing in common: no two are alike. Mercodor offers different shredding designs and different-sized cutting machinery for all performance requirements. Our modular drive systems offer a wide variety of internal and external mounting and installation options, in and on return pump stations, under chip conveyors, above pneumatic locks, on briquetting presses and other special solutions.

Our individual housing shapes are able to fit the most difficult installation conditions.

Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2018

Crushing of sugar with Mercodor crushing systems - The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of sugar, for crushing of sugar beet slices or for crushing of candies that are stuck together.

Crushing of sugar with Mercodor crushing systems 

The sugar and sugar-containing materials become viscous even at a small increase in the temperature, which is a very great challenge for the crushing machine in the crushing of sugars. 

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of sugar, for crushing of sugar beet slices or for crushing of candies that are stuck together.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of sugar. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018

Shredding of wax and wax plates with Mercodor shredding systems - We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of wax. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Shredding of wax and wax plates with Mercodor shredding systems

The shredding of wax and wax plates is not a simple task for the shredding machine from various points of view, because even at a small increase of the temperature the wax becomes a viscose mass. However, the wax is also a raw material that has to be recycled.

The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of wax, wax plates and wax-containing products. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of wax. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Shredding of diapers with Mercodor shredding systems - The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of diapers as well as for shredding of bandages and similar products.

Shredding of diapers with Mercodor shredding systems

The shredding of diapers serves for the recycling of important raw materials. Since, generally, the raw materials become more and more scarce, it becomes increasingly important to recycle the raw materials as much as possible when handling these resources. 

The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of diapers as well as for shredding of bandages and similar products. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of shredding diapers. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2018

Shredding of packaging materials and packaging waste with Mercodor shredding systems

Shredding of packaging materials and packaging waste with Mercodor shredding systems

The shredding of packaging materials and packaging waste such as, for example, medicinal product packaging, but also foils, can present challenges to the shredding machine due to their different sizes, but also due to the various raw materials from which the packaging materials are manufactured. However, the shredding of foils and other packaging waste is an important step in the recycling of raw materials.

The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of packagings and packaging materials. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of packaging materials and packaging waste. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Montag, 2. Juli 2018

Shredding of glass with liquids with Mercodor shredding systems - Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of glass with liquids.

Shredding of glass with liquids with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor shredding machine for crushing glass with liquids are used for reducing the volume of waste. The crushing of glass continues to make a significant contribution to the economic recovery of raw materials 

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for professional shredding of glass with liquids.

If you have questions please use one of our contact opportunities and talk today with an expert for Mercodor shredding systems.

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2018

Shredding of Document with Mercodor shredding systems - No matter which information carrier contains your data. With Mercodor shredder for Document shredding you always get a professional solution.

Shredding of Document with Mercodor shredding systems 

Mercodor special engineering is your partner for Document shredding, data destruction and shredding of sensitive data. 

To destroy sensitive data, it is particularly important to have a shredding systems that is been developed for this area. No matter which information carrier contains your data. With Mercodor shredder for Document shredding you always get a professional solution. 

Please contact us for both shredding systems for Document shredding systems for destruction of CDs, hard drives and other sensitive data. With Mercodor you get a competent and experienced partner to destroy your data reliably.

Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2018

Swarf recycling with Mercodor equipment - For the optimal processing and reduction of steel and stainless steel chips, cast, aluminium, copper, brass, titanium and precious metal turnings, for instance, Mercodor, with its rugged, compact precision cutters has the right solution for each and every task.

Swarf recycling with Mercodor equipment

For the optimal processing and reduction of steel and stainless steel chips, cast, aluminium, copper, brass, titanium and precious metal turnings, for instance, Mercodor, with its rugged, compact precision cutters has the right solution for each and every task.
Single machine
Can be directly incorporated by the customer into an existing plant.
Decentralized treatment
Decentralized swarf handling is the cleanest and optimal technological concept for processing turnings. A shredder is installed at each processing machine. From there, the metal shavings are conveyed to the central processing point.
Central processing
In the case of several machines some distance apart and depending on the local conditions, nevertheless, in some cases a central swarf processing plant may be the most economical design. In this case, the metal turnings are collected at the machines and transported with chip trolleys to the processing machine. This central solution requires no changes to the existing production process.

All Mercodor swarf processing systems have one thing in common: no two are alike. Mercodor offers different shredding designs and different-sized cutting machinery for all performance requirements. Our modular drive systems offer a wide variety of internal and external mounting and installation options, in and on return pump stations, under chip conveyors, above pneumatic locks, on briquetting presses and other special solutions.

Our individual housing shapes are able to fit the most difficult installation conditions.

Montag, 25. Juni 2018

Crushing of sugar with Mercodor crushing systems - The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of sugar, for crushing of sugar beet slices or for crushing of candies that are stuck together.

Crushing of sugar with Mercodor crushing systems 

The sugar and sugar-containing materials become viscous even at a small increase in the temperature, which is a very great challenge for the crushing machine in the crushing of sugars. 

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of sugar, for crushing of sugar beet slices or for crushing of candies that are stuck together.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of sugar. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2018

Shredding of wax and wax plates with Mercodor shredding systems - The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of wax, wax plates and wax-containing products.

Shredding of wax and wax plates with Mercodor shredding systems

The shredding of wax and wax plates is not a simple task for the shredding machine from various points of view, because even at a small increase of the temperature the wax becomes a viscose mass. However, the wax is also a raw material that has to be recycled.

The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of wax, wax plates and wax-containing products. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of wax. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Montag, 18. Juni 2018

Shredding of diapers with Mercodor shredding systems - The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of diapers as well as for shredding of bandages and similar products.

Shredding of diapers with Mercodor shredding systems

The shredding of diapers serves for the recycling of important raw materials. Since, generally, the raw materials become more and more scarce, it becomes increasingly important to recycle the raw materials as much as possible when handling these resources. 

The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of diapers as well as for shredding of bandages and similar products. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of shredding diapers. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Dienstag, 12. Juni 2018

Shredding of packaging materials and packaging waste with Mercodor shredding systems - The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of packagings and packaging materials.

Shredding of packaging materials and packaging waste with Mercodor shredding systems

The shredding of packaging materials and packaging waste such as, for example, medicinal product packaging, but also foils, can present challenges to the shredding machine due to their different sizes, but also due to the various raw materials from which the packaging materials are manufactured. However, the shredding of foils and other packaging waste is an important step in the recycling of raw materials.

The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for shredding of packagings and packaging materials. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of packaging materials and packaging waste. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Montag, 11. Juni 2018

Crushing of glass and glass fibers with Mercodor crushing systems- The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of glass fibers, glass fiber insulating mats, glass tubes as well as laminated glass.

Crushing of glass and glass fibers with Mercodor crushing systems

The crushing of glass and glass fibers serves, on the one hand, for volume reduction purposes and, on the other hand, for recycling of raw materials. The recycling of glass fibers, glass fiber insulating mats, glass tubes as well as laminated glass helps for bettering our environment.

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of glass fibers, glass fiber insulating mats, glass tubes as well as laminated glass. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of glass and glass fibers. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Freitag, 8. Juni 2018

Crushing of minerals with Mercodor crushing systems - The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of mudstones and clay bricks, graphite segments, magnesium clinker, but also mineral wool.

Crushing of minerals with Mercodor crushing systems

Due to their hard material structure, the crushing of minerals is a great challenge for the crushing machine. However, the crushing is important for the further processing of the minerals. 

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of mudstones and clay bricks, graphite segments, magnesium clinker, but also mineral wool.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of minerals. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2018

Crushing of salts with Mercodor crushing systems -The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of salts of any kind such as, for example, crushing of rock salts, but also for crushing of salt dispensers and hardness salts.

Crushing of salts with Mercodor crushing systems

The crushing of salts such as, for example, hardness salts, salt dispensers, but also rock salt, is a great challenge for the crushing machine from various points of view. On the one hand, the salts are very hard, but already in the presence of a very small amount of a liquid they dissolve and mix with the liquid. 

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of salts of any kind such as, for example, crushing of rock salts, but also for crushing of salt dispensers and hardness salts.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of salt. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Montag, 4. Juni 2018

Crushing of hazardous waste with Mercodor crushing systems- The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of hazardous waste such as asbestos, toner cartridges, refrigerators and sensors.

Crushing of hazardous waste with Mercodor crushing systems

The crushing of hazardous waste such as, for example, sensors, refrigerators, toner cartridges and asbestos is a real challenge for every crushing machine from environmental protection point of view. 

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for the crushing of hazardous waste such as asbestos, toner cartridges, refrigerators and sensors.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of hazardous waste. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Sonntag, 27. Mai 2018

Shredding of metals with Mercodor shredding systems -The shredding of metals is a very difficult process because, due to their very different characteristics, the metals, such as wire, steel pack binding, stamping waste, titanium sheets, zinc sprues, zinc casting waste, zinc oxide or magnetic bands, have very different requirements to the shredding machines.

Shredding of metals with Mercodor shredding systems

The shredding of metals is a very difficult process because, due to their very different characteristics, the metals, such as wire, steel pack binding, stamping waste, titanium sheets, zinc sprues, zinc casting waste, zinc oxide or magnetic bands, have very different requirements to the shredding machines. 

The Mercodor shredders are best suitable for the shredding of metals and metal composites of any kind and composition.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of metals. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Freitag, 25. Mai 2018

Shredding of textiles with Mercodor shredding systems - Out textile shredders are distinguished in particular by their very high availability and process safety just when they process textile fabrics such as rags, nonwovens, jute sacks, nonwovens or other textiles such as textile fabrics with corundum and up to textile plastic bandages.

Shredding of textiles with Mercodor shredding systems

The Mercodor shredding machines for shredding of textiles are equipped with special cutters and shredders which make very easy the shredding of textiles such as old clothing, protective clothes and even military clothing such as uniforms. Out textile shredders are distinguished in particular by their very high availability and process safety just when they process textile fabrics such as rags, nonwovens, jute sacks, nonwovens or other textiles such as textile fabrics with corundum and up to textile plastic bandages.

Mercodor Sondermaschinenbau is your partner for the specialized shredding of any type of textiles; the Mercodor shredders are best suitable also for the shredding of shoes, including the shoe soles. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of textile. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2018

Crushing of synthetic materials and plastics with Mercodor crushing systems - No matter whether they are used for chunks of synthetic materials, plastic spray stars, plastic deep-stamping waste, but also for plastic drums, plastic canisters, PE bottles or polymer blocks. With the Mercodor crushing machines you make the first step when you have to crush valuable raw materials, such as synthetic materials / plastic, for the recycling of raw materials.

Crushing of synthetic materials and plastics with Mercodor crushing systems

The Mercodor crushers with their robust and compact cutting heads offer the correct solution for any work. The robust construction of our crushing equipment and the practically maintenance-free operation with a high level of effectiveness accompanied by low energy consumption are distinguishing our crushers

No matter whether they are used for chunks of synthetic materials, plastic spray stars, plastic deep-stamping waste, but also for plastic drums, plastic canisters, PE bottles or polymer blocks. With the Mercodor crushing machines you make the first step when you have to crush valuable raw materials, such as synthetic materials / plastic, for the recycling of raw materials. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of synthetic materials and plastics. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2018

Crushing of tires, bumpers and auto parts with Mercodor crushing systems - We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of tires, bumpers and auto parts. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Crushing of tires, bumpers and auto parts with Mercodor crushing systems

The crushing of auto parts, such as internal auto parts, V-belts, car license plates as well as wiper rubbers, air filters and up to all sorts of tires and bumpers, is a real challenge for the crushing machine. However, in the course of recycling of these materials, it is worth the effort to crush them and thus to prepare them for the recycling.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of tires, bumpers and auto parts. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2018

Crushing of GFK and plasterboard with Mercodor crushing systems - The crushing of GFK and plasterboard is important not only in the course of recycling of raw materials but also for the volume reduction.

Crushing of GFK and plasterboard with Mercodor crushing systems

Crushing of GFK and plasterboard with Mercodor crushing systems. Due to their material composition, the crushing of GFK and plasterboard puts high requirements to the crushing machine. The crushing of GFK and plasterboard is important not only in the course of recycling of raw materials but also for the volume reduction. 

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of GFK but also for crushing of plasterboard. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of GFK and plasterboard. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Crushing of filters and filter systems with Mercodor crushing systems - The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of filter cassettes, for crushing of filter cakes, for crushing of filter mats or filter palettes.

Crushing of filters and filter systems with Mercodor crushing systems

The crushing of filters of various types serves for the recycling of important raw materials. Since, generally, the raw materials become more and more scarce, it becomes increasingly important to recycle the raw materials as much as possible when handling these resources. 

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of filter cassettes, for crushing of filter cakes, for crushing of filter mats or filter palettes.

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of filters and filter systems. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2018

Crushing of cans with Mercodor crushing systems - The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of paint cans, for crushing of food cans, for crushing of oil cans, but also for crushing of beverage cans of any type.

Crushing of cans with Mercodor crushing systems

The crushing of cans such as, for example, paint cans, food cans, oil cans or beverage cans serves, on the one hand, for recycling the raw materials and at the same time contributes to the protection of the environment, because part of the recycled raw materials can be reused, but also, on the other hand, for the volume reduction. 

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of paint cans, for crushing of food cans, for crushing of oil cans, but also for crushing of beverage cans of any type. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of cans. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2018

Data destruction with Mercodor crushing systems - No matter whether it is about shredding of check cards, tachographs, diskettes, CDs or other information carriers which contain sensitive data.

Data destruction with Mercodor crushing systems

When it is necessary to destruct confidential data, it is particularly important to use shredding systems which have been developed just for this area. No matter whether it is about shredding of check cards, tachographs, diskettes, CDs or other information carriers which contain sensitive data. With the Mercodor shredder for destruction of documents, you always receive a professional data destruction solution. 

You receive from us both shredding systems for destruction of documents and shredders for the destruction of CDs, hard disks and other sensible data. You receive with Mercodor a competent and experienced partner that supports you in the reliable destruction of your data. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of Data destruction. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Montag, 14. Mai 2018

Crushing of mixed construction waste with Mercodor crushing systems - With the Mercodor crushing machines, the crushing of edge strips, concrete fragments, bath material, but also the crushing of sealing material, carpet edge strips or styrofoam and wallpaper rest rolls is no problem.

Crushing of mixed construction waste with Mercodor crushing systems

The crushing of construction waste serves for the recycling of important raw materials. With the Mercodor crushing machines, the crushing of edge strips, concrete fragments, bath material, but also the crushing of sealing material, carpet edge strips or styrofoam and wallpaper rest rolls is no problem. Since, generally, the raw materials become more and more scarce, it becomes increasingly important to recycle the raw materials as much as possible when handling these resources. 

The Mercodor crushers are the best suitable for crushing of mixed construction waste and thus by recycling these materials they support you and the environment. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of mixed construction waste. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2018

Crushing of batteries with Mercodor crushing systems

Crushing of batteries with Mercodor crushing systems

In the crushing of batteries, a particular attention is necessary, which in turn is a challenge for the used crushing machines. However, in the course of raw materials recycling, the crushing of batteries is an important step and serves at the same time for protection of the environment

The Mercodor crushers are best suitable for crushing of rechargeable batteries, for crushing of lithium-ion batteries or batteries in general. 

We at Mercodor will be happy to advise you on the subject of crushing of batteries. If you have questions, take advantage of the various possibilities to contact us and speak today with one of our experts.

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2018

MERCODOR shredder TYPE ZM 54 - Large-volume industrial waste - sheet metal and plastic drums up to 200 L Cardboard, paper, pallets, etc. Car tyres, production waste etc.

MERCODOR shredder TYPE ZM 54

Shredders from Mercodor GmbH Sondermaschinenbau KG will help you keep your waste problem in hand. Our shredding systems provide a solution for commercial and industrial enterprises to reduce their waste volume economically and effectively. By choosing the right cutters and using special inserts or attachments, it is a simple matter to design a machine to take account of the material to be shredded and the desired size of the waste output.

Technical information on Mercodor shredder type ZM 54

Areas of application:
  • Large-volume industrial waste - sheet metal and plastic drums up to 200 L
  • Cardboard, paper, pallets, etc.
  • Car tyres, production waste
  • etc.
Cutting device:
ZM 54
Cutting device (mm):
1100 x 750 mm
Drive (kW):
30 - 54 kW
sieve Ø (mm):
1000 - 2000 kg

Subject to technical changes! Special designs on request

Montag, 7. Mai 2018

MERCODOR shredder TYPE ZM 52 - Areas of application: Large-volume industrial waste - sheet metal and plastic containers, cardboard, foils, pallet remains Hospital waste - syringes, needles, bandages Production waste, hospital waste File folders, computer printouts, diskettes, CDs Waste food, leftovers Raw material recycling - glass, plastics, paper etc

MERCODOR shredder TYPE ZM 52

Shredders from Mercodor GmbH Sondermaschinenbau KG will help you keep your waste problem in hand. Our shredding systems provide a solution for commercial and industrial enterprises to reduce their waste volume economically and effectively. By choosing the right cutters and using special inserts or attachments, it is a simple matter to design a machine to take account of the material to be shredded and the desired size of the waste output.

Technical information on Mercodor shredder type ZM 52

Areas of application:
  • Large-volume industrial waste - sheet metal and plastic containers, cardboard, foils, pallet remains
  • Hospital waste - syringes, needles, bandages
  • Production waste, hospital waste
  • File folders, computer printouts, diskettes, CDs
  • Waste food, leftovers
  • Raw material recycling - glass, plastics, paper
  • etc.
Cutting device:
ZM 52
Cutting device (mm):
650 x 540, 1050 x 540
Drive (kW):
15/18, 5/22
sieve Ø (mm):
500 - 1000 kg

Subject to technical changes! Special designs on request